Practice # 5 General Knowledge

Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize in two different fields?

A) Marie Curie

B) Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin

C) Barbara McClintock

D) Rosalind Franklin

View Answer A

In which year was the first successful human heart transplant performed?

A) 1954

B) 1967

C) 1971

D) 1980

View Answer B

Which river is the longest in the world?

A) Amazon River

B) Nile River

C) Yangtze River

D) Mississippi River

View Answer B

Which planet is known as the “Red Planet”?

A) Venus

B) Mars

C) Jupiter

D) Saturn

View Answer B

Who wrote the play “Macbeth”?

A) William Shakespeare

B) Jane Austen

C) Charles Dickens

D) Leo Tolstoy

View Answer A