Practice # 2 BASIC SCIENCE

What is the unit of measurement for electric current?

A) Volt

B) Ampere

C) Ohm

D) Watt

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Which gas is known as the “silent killer” due to its odorless and colorless nature?

A) Carbon Monoxide

B) Methane

C) Nitrous Oxide

D) Oxygen

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What is the largest planet in our solar system?

A) Earth

B) Jupiter

C) Saturn

D) Mars

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What is the process by which plants release water vapor into the atmosphere?

A) Respiration

B) Transpiration

C) Photosynthesis

D) Evaporation

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Which element is essential for human bones and teeth?

A) Iron

B) Calcium

C) Sodium

D) Magnesium

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What is the chemical symbol for gold?

A) Au

B) Ag

C) Fe

D) Cu

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Which scientist formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation?

A) Albert Einstein

B) Isaac Newton

C) Galileo Galilei

D) Nikola Tesla

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Which gas makes up the majority of Earth’s atmosphere?

A) Oxygen

B) Nitrogen

C) Carbon Dioxide

D) Hydrogen

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Which planet is known as the “Morning Star” or “Evening Star”?

A) Venus

B) Mars

C) Jupiter

D) Mercury

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What is the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy?

A) Respiration

B) Transpiration

C) Photosynthesis

D) Combustion

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